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Development Progress / Next alpha release feature list
« Last post by gumix on June 17, 2016, 03:25:44 pm »
This is to announce what is going to be released with next alpha version:
  • initial sound support
  • color / bw mode switchable by user
  • keyboard compatibility mode with TTY not supporting key releases (ie: ssh with no x11 tunneling)
  • in-memory game saves, so if you quit to menu you're in 'paused' state and you can continue your game with 'resume' button.
  • tutorial chapter
Development Progress / Tutorial
« Last post by gumix on June 13, 2016, 11:02:32 am »
After reading players' feedback and watching how much they struggled with controls during their first 10 runs, it became clear we need a tutorial.
It is going to be implemented as a regular course with single level so once player passes it, there will be no need to repeat it.
Level will be assisted with 'owners manual' book showing what and how player should do something.
Below is screen captured book with all service points and pass stamp at last page excluding back cover.

General Discussion / Re: Ascii Patrol goes ALPHA 1
« Last post by gumix on June 08, 2016, 03:18:50 pm »
I've uploaded the hotfix, directly to the alpha directory, so in order to see if it is working, press refresh in your browser.
I'm keeping my fingers crossed and hoping to see your nick on hi-scores soon, thanks.
General Discussion / Re: Ascii Patrol goes ALPHA 1
« Last post by Kyzrati on June 08, 2016, 10:36:11 am »
Yup, Alpha 9 is done so I'm kinda relaxing today :)

I'd be happy to try out a test link for you.
General Discussion / Re: Ascii Patrol goes ALPHA 1
« Last post by gumix on June 08, 2016, 10:33:29 am »
I've been super busy
Yep, I noticed that, heavy forging alpha 9?

even less playable
I think the issue is related to browser's indexed DB, which I use to store persistent files and recording player's key presses.
Later, I'll provide you a test link w/o this functionality, if it would run at least as smooth as pre-alpha I'll get rid off IDB somehow.

The downloadable version works great
Good to hear, note that you can have hi-scores with windows version if you install CURL
Also windows version requires at the moment manual font change and palette tweaking, will be done from app in next version.


General Discussion / Re: Ascii Patrol goes ALPHA 1
« Last post by Kyzrati on June 08, 2016, 07:05:53 am »
Awesome to see it getting some useful feedback there. I've been super busy lately with my own release prep, so haven't had a chance to check out Alpha 1 before today.

Unfortunately, it's become even less playable than before for me :/ (latest FF, Win7). Earlier it was just rare hiccups presumably due to the GC, but now it's too jittery to even survive much of the first map. I tried it in my backup browser, Opera, and it doesn't work at all there (just shows a black screen). I can't even install Chrome on my machine, so I couldn't try that...

The downloadable version works great, but I wanted to try and get on the online high scores :P
General Discussion / Re: Ascii Patrol goes ALPHA 1
« Last post by gumix on June 04, 2016, 02:00:05 pm »
See what others are saying about Ascii Patrol. Their very first impressions come from reddit's gamedev Feedback Friday:
Development Progress / Re: So Alpha is delayed, but don't worry - not that much :)
« Last post by gumix on June 01, 2016, 09:07:43 pm »
Now you can check it out, which badge color you deserve for, Alpha 1 is out  ;)
General Discussion / Ascii Patrol goes ALPHA 1
« Last post by gumix on June 01, 2016, 07:13:21 pm »
Access is made public, from the homepage (middle menu button) - just in case somebody skipped it.

* I'd appreciate any feedback from you, yes that means you need to register to the forum. Otherwise my server would turn out to spammers' pub ;)

* In case of any download / install / play problems, I will love to help.

* Please use this topic for anything related to the ALPHA-1.

The badge colors look good!
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