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Development Progress / Re: Hi Scores with anti tampering validation
« Last post by Kyzrati on June 01, 2016, 09:50:32 am »
Yeah, I got to the RNG splitting way too late, so it's in there, but only good for level seeds, not all the logic (too much of it now! plus the animations and whatnot still use the same RNG). There's way too much going on in the world to quickly simulate an entire run anyway :/
Development Progress / Re: So Alpha is delayed, but don't worry - not that much :)
« Last post by gumix on June 01, 2016, 09:39:44 am »
Aw thanks, can't compete with your massively animated ui ;)
Another shot explaining what are these colors to the left of ranks.
They stand for medals/badges: gold, silver, bronze, 10, 100, 1000, ...
Development Progress / Re: Hi Scores with anti tampering validation
« Last post by gumix on June 01, 2016, 09:27:57 am »
I have had to split my RNG into several separate channels, so real time based visual fx stuff don't mess up with artificial stupidity of my aliens and level proc gens. :)

Very nice UI work!
Development Progress / Re: Hi Scores with anti tampering validation
« Last post by Kyzrati on June 01, 2016, 03:38:28 am »
That's awesome, a method I really wish I could use myself, but there are some unresolvable technical roadblocks in my own engine :(
Development Progress / So Alpha is delayed, but don't worry - not that much :)
« Last post by gumix on May 31, 2016, 01:50:07 pm »
Few things slowed me down, mostly providing hi-scores interface to all platforms.
Hi score data are accessible via
It is updated and fetched by game using curl or browser by its own XHR requests.
Below is a screen shot.

Shot is made just after game over, so if player fits in hi-score table, it is centered and the new entry is highlighted.

Confirmed to work on all platforms.
Development Progress / Hi Scores with anti tampering validation
« Last post by gumix on May 26, 2016, 03:24:44 pm »
No graphics here, but topic I think is quite interesting.

Ascii Patrol records all player's key strokes during the game, later such recording is passed to the server with wget curl or in case of a browser it makes XHR request.

Then the server starts game application on its own and feeds it with key strokes recording from player. So it actualy repeats entire game-play, but of course without need to paint anything on screen or synchronize to the real time, so the process is pretty fast, about 0.5% 0.01% of real time game-play.

In that way it calculates player's score, which after positive validation, is inserted to hi-score data base.

My own experiments show that 1 hour of intensive game-play, relusts in about 100K bytes of recording data. It is almost nutting ;) and allows to fully replay the game, so I'm going to use it also for making video gallery.

Development Progress / Re: New Performance Screen
« Last post by gumix on May 23, 2016, 07:55:04 pm »
And its final animated look,
with dissolving transition from game and a bit of 'motion blur'.

Development Progress / New Performance Screen
« Last post by gumix on May 19, 2016, 08:03:09 pm »
This one is going to replace scrolling list of killed enemies at the end of every level.
Grey values at right edge of progress bars are percents|seconds|lives to score multipliers.
Progress bars are animated (from blue to red) and score is counted up, currently 'T I M E' is progressing (yellow line).

'A R E A   C L E A R' (ratio killed/all):
From: 0%
To: 100%

'T I M E' (level game-play time):
From: theoretically shortest time possible, defined per level
To: mostly set to 2 minutes, defined per level

'S A V I N G S' (number of lives after level):
From: 0
To: lives before entering particular level

Development Progress / Re: Improvments & Research (audio!)
« Last post by gumix on May 19, 2016, 03:53:49 pm »
Can't be sure but probably it is. I'd also suspect some animated ads running on the other tab(s) too.
The fix simply detects a lag, in such case it doesn't let the game to advance game animation timer.
Currently threshold is set to 1/10 sec. (it is no fun to play with lower frame rates than 10Hz though).
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