No graphics here, but topic I think is quite interesting.
Ascii Patrol records all player's key strokes during the game, later such recording is passed to the server with
wget curl or in case of a browser it makes XHR request.
Then the server starts game application on its own and feeds it with key strokes recording from player. So it actualy repeats entire game-play, but of course without need to paint anything on screen or synchronize to the real time, so the process is pretty fast, about
0.5% 0.01% of real time game-play.
In that way it calculates player's score, which after positive validation, is inserted to hi-score data base.
My own experiments show that 1 hour of intensive game-play, relusts in about 100K bytes of recording data. It is almost nutting

and allows to fully replay the game, so I'm going to use it also for making video gallery.